Studio Noa Wassink

graphic, editorial designer

Co-founder of Sessssion

designing, collaborating, publishing

based in Utrecht, NL— I have a love for editorial design and printed matter. With a visually captivating approach, I incorporate the viewer into my story. I find inspiration in Asian culture, blending these aesthetics with modern design. My aim is to inspire and invite viewers to explore diverse perspectives. Feel free to contact me for any questions or collaborations! 

Smaller Pieces, Smaller Pieces! — Publication, 2023

Edition of 40

With Smaller Pieces, Smaller Pieces!  I dive into my family history. I’ve noticed that the Asian culture within my family is fading, which makes it essential to capture it before it gets lost. In this publication, I summarise my Asian family history. I write letters to my great-grandparents, telling them what they mean to me. Based on stories I heard, I ask questions to my family by connecting these queries to objects and photos from the archive.

Each collection of stories is linked to a location in The Netherlands, India, China and Myanmar. These stories are individually bound and held together by acrylic sheets and elastic.

Smaller Pieces, Smaller Pieces! got selected by the student jury for Best Verzorgde Boeken (Best Dutch Book Designs) 2023. 

Chinese Vase Series — Risoprints, 2019

HKU Graduation Catalogue 2023 — Publication, 2023

Designed in collaboration with Isa Lebbink and Eva van der Hoek.
Cover illustrations by Nonna Hoogland.

Found Footage & Familiar Features — Publication, 2022

in collaboration with Noah van de Wetering
edition of 20

In half a year, we created a series of eight collages which all contain images and scans of unnoticed object laying around our studio's. We believe these object carry a certain essence of our practises. The final collage does not equal one artwork. Every new step of these collages has been highlighted with a color, resulting in six individual steps (and therefore six indiviual works) within one final collage.

Working Title (Working Title) — Publication, 2022

in collaboration with Noah van de Wetering
edition of 30, risoprinted

This publication is part of Noah’s graduation project. It includes a collection of his work, notes and thoughts during his practice of his graduation project.

PAX Vredesweek — PR design, 2022

commissioned for PAX


Nuts Vintage — Identity Design, 2023

(2024) Être Monstrueux à Organes Communs (Marie Caye)
(2023) Smaller Pieces, Smaller Pieces!
(2023) HKU Media Graduation Catalogue
(2023) Writing without correcting my spelling mistakes
(2022) Working Title (Working Title)
(2022) Found Footage & Familiar Features
(2021) Tijdschrift BLIK 14.2
(2021) Tijdschrift BLIK 14.1
(2020) ABRI Magazine, Academiegalerie Utrecht


(2023) BYOB, Enter Enter Amsterdam
(2023) Unseen Bookmarket Amsterdam
(2023) Exposure, HKU
(2021) RE-FRAME, online exhibition
(2020) Lost & Found, Google Maps group exhibition located at Hembrugterrein
(2019) Multiplicity, LE:EN Utrecht


BA Graphic Design, University of Arts Utrecht (HKU)

More info and experience on LinkedIn

Let’s get in touch!
more at @noawassink
©2024 Noa Wassink